So as usual, I read more blogs than I post! Not like that is a surprise to anyone... Well, I am convicted today... I really do LOVE reading blogs... some have advice from people who have it together better than I do, some are moms, struggling to have it together as good as I do (I like to encourage them), and some are EXACTLY the same as me.... I think those are my favorites... and the most convicting.... If they can blog, why cant I? So.... Here I go...
Sooooo..... Way back in June(the 13th to be exact), we were invited by a sweet friend to come and pick in her plum orchard... we happily went and picked a TON of plums.... the kids had so much fun... here are a few pictures that I took while we were there...


The kids




Me and my littlest man

Our haul....
I don't know how I managed to take 0 pictures of just my amazing hunny, but at least he is in this one... Oh, and the pictures that I did not post include several of a bunny that had its hutch in the orchard, and a few really beautiful spiders webs... It was a good day!
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