Thursday, July 30, 2009

We made bread!

So once again it has been FOREVER since I have written anything on here... I have been consumed by Facebook and even further into Farmtown... I am weaning myself off of there right now, but it is a bumpy process..... I have not even been keeping up on reading my usual blogs. But.... tonight was fun so here goes...

We made bread! I measured out the right amount of each ingredient and they mixed it all up and tried to take a few pictures and then after it had risen once, they each got a clump for the purpose of shaping..... Here are a few pictures
yes this is my house and it is a mess... but that is my two year old making bread ...and my 6 year old taking pictures... so there....  :-)

Lets see, Heather made the heart, Rebekah made the pretty "twisty" one, Steven came and asked if I would help him make a "human" (not sure why he didnt want a man or a boy or a person, but that works....), and my Jer boy asked for a "blob" which is pronounced "dlod" :-)

Then for dinner we decided to eat Stevens "body" and had WAY too much fun chewing on his legs and arms and filling his parts with "blood vessles"

I must say, that human was scrumptious!

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