Monday, May 25, 2009

A great weekend

So, Saturday was wonderful.... a short night, but a great day. The BBQ was.... interesting... friends showed up later than I expected, but that turned out to be a good thing. The BBQ was not working properly... We ended up eating at like 7 instead of like 5:30, and the Ribs were baked not BBQ'd. But it was still good. The beans had extra time to finish cooking (they would not have been done in time if we were eating on time) and the kids played really well together. We brought the dog into the house because she is BIG and intimidating and she did really well too. (I didn't think she would like being cooped up in her kennel while the kids were running in and out, but she was resigned to it) We only had one behavior problem, and though it was a little embarrassing, It was resolved in a short time and didn't occur again. All in all, the evening was a great success! (Friends, you can disagree if you like, but I enjoyed it)

The excitement came the next morning. Once again, I stayed up LATE.... Daniel and I talking about the evening and other topics that kept us animated for a while. Then, shortly after we did fall asleep, I was awakened my my oldest son SCREAMING for help... I ran in his room to find him covered in vomit. Poor baby got sick in his sleep. I carried him and all his bedding into my bathroom (the biggest tub we have) and comforted him and cleaned him and got him situated and tried to go back to bed... morning came about 2 hours later. As I was getting the kids ready for church, I noticed my youngest one.... COVERED IN WELTS! Under his armpits, behind his knees, along his diaper, all over his tummy.... Poor baby was blistered. Daniel took the kids to church and I went straight to urgent care.

I have NEVER seen anything like this before... I was paranoid! The Urgent Care doctor was not. He calmly told be that Jer was having an allergic reaction and not to worry unless he started having problems breathing. That was it.... He even told me that he would normally write me a prescription for Benadryl, but since Jer is only 2, it was not worth doing... He assured me that it was not contagious and that if Jer was feeling well enough to play, there was no reason not to let him.

We joined the rest of my family at church and I kept Jer with me. I really enjoyed having him with us in church. Singing with him and praying with him and just being together (at least the three of us). I think we are going to have to try that more often.

Anyway, Sunday at 2 was our schools graduation and we were supposed to be helping with setup, so when service was over, I went to go get some pizza to feed the kids. I also picked up some Benadryl topical for Jer's inflammations. The poor guy was getting worse. Anyway, he (and the rest of the kids) did very well through the graduation ceremony and reception. While we were there, a friend came to check on Jer and reassured me that this was consistent of an allergic reaction and not to be too worried. Apparently her kids have had allergies and skin irritations. She was such a great blessing to me.

Sunday night we came home and popped pop corn and watched a movie and just spent time together. We got to bed early and SLEPT WELL!!!!

Then this morning, Daniel let me sleep in until 8 and when I finally woke up, I found that he had made me coffee and there were blueberry muffins left over from breakfast, and he was planning a picnic/walk to a park with the dog and the kids and a few balls. So much fun!

We played kick ball and ate grilled cheese sandwiches and enjoyed the breeze. It was lovely. When we got home the kids laid down for naps, all except Heather and we watched Ivanhoe and paused every so often to explain some of the history to her. We just finished up dinner and now we are playing a game before it is time to get ready for bed. It has been a great weekend. I adore my husband. Life is so much more enjoyable when he is home...

As far as the allergic reaction, I don't know... today the majority of welts seem to be fading, still some on his legs and his back, but better than they were, but now his eyes and nose seem to be suffering the brunt of it. He is so swollen. We have NO idea what caused it. All I can guess is that maybe it was the marinade that I soaked the ribs in. It just seems so strange... Oh well, he is feeling well through it. He was playing so hard this morning that he ran full force into the corner of the hallway and gave himself a HUGE fat lip. Poor baby has had a rough weekend.
Well, that has been our weekend.... I have loved it.... all (though I think I could have lived without the trip to the Urgent Care) I will chat with ya more later. I am going to go enjoy bingo with my family.

OH.... an added bonus.... THE HOUSE IS STILL CLEAN!!!!!!!!!!!! I love it!

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